All-Inclusive Pricing

Plans That Fit Your Goals and Objectives


Transparent Pricing

Know exactly how much it is for our services.

No Surprises

All prices are spelled out and agreed upon by you before you engage our services.

Unlimited Access

You have unlimited access to us and our technology - at no additional cost.


Comprehensive Financial Planning

Our comprehensive financial plans range from $700 to as high as $1,700 depending on the complexity of your situation.

Here are some examples of situations that increase complexity of the planning process:

Current Employer 401k Analysis

Transition or Income Planning

Owning Rental Properties

Owning Stock Options

Owning Restricted Stock

Need a Rush on the Plan


Additional compensation may apply in the form of commissions for purchase of individual stocks, bonds and through service fees (12b-1) for mutual fund transactions. Fees, charges and expenses are detailed in the Cetera Advisors LLC's ADV Part 2A.

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Asset Management

Our fees are charged per household not per person on the combined balances of all managed accounts:

$0-$10,000 = 1.5%

$10,000 - $250,000 = 1.4%

$250,000 - $500,000 = 1.36%

$500,000 - $750,000 = 1.14%

$750,000 - $1,000,000 = 1%

$1,000,000 - $2,500,000 = 0.85%

$2,500,000 - $5,000,000 = 0.8%

$5,000,000 + = 0.6%


Additional compensation may apply in the form of commissions for purchase of individual stocks, bonds and through service fees (12b-1) for mutual fund transactions. Fees, charges and expenses are detailed in the Cetera Advisors LLC's ADV Part 2A.

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What Are You Paying For?


Comprehensive Financial Planning

Monte Carlo Analysis 

We run your situation through 1,000 different market scenarios to find out how many make it to the end of your plan.

Social Security Analysis

When is the best time to take social security based on your specific situation and amount of assets?  This analysis will help answer that question and more.

Tax Analysis

We do analysis on your tax return and come back with observations that may help with your situation now and in retirement.

Insurance Analysis 

What happens if you die early or have to go into assisted living?  How do we protect your retirement assets from those situations?  We help answer those questions and more.

Estate Analysis 

Preserving, growing & leveraging your wealth for the next generation by making sure you have the right estate plan in place.

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Asset Management

Professional Management

We have access to over 1,000 different portfolio managers to make sure you have the right mix for current market conditions.

Automatic Rebalancing 

Our managed portfolios are automatically rebalanced semi-annually.


Don't put your eggs in one basket!  That is why our professional managers make sure your portfolio is diversified between many asset classes.

Customized Solutions 

Want to invest in only socially responsible companies?  Want to invest in mutual funds, ETFs and individual stocks in one portfolio?  We can help with customized portfolio solutions. 

Tax Loss Harvesting

In some portfolios, we can help sell your investments at a loss to help with your tax situation.

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